I've been thinking a lot about life in general. Our lifes are so short but it's definately worth living! Christmas is coming around the corner in less than a week. It really gets under my skin when people do "xmas" instead of the other way. No offense to anyone. Anyways, photography is all in my head right now! I got a wireless remote from someone awesome! Not going to say her name because I am going to keep her name priviately because she may not want it released. & tomorrow I am getting my external flash! :) It is a Canon Speedlight 430EX II Flash! Hey it's a start to go along further in my Photography! I am so excited. I now have my camera, wireless remote, and will have my flash, and my studio lights! It is all slowly coming together but ah it is TOTALLY worth it. I am so excite for my future. I would LOVE to work at a magazine one day if my other plans don't follow through. I am thinking about doing a lot of travelling soon. Europe again, & all over the United States. Maybe if I am near my other photographer friends we could meet up!! Yes, that is right, I have photography friends all over the U.S. I know SHOCKER lol. Anyways I just felt like blogging since it has been awhile. Feel like I have to keep doing this because I want to dedicate myself to this! I wonder where I will be in 5 years from now. I hope I will be A LOT further than I am now but we will see. I will have to look back on this post and re read this and probably laugh (in a good way). Whelp, that is all I have for now. I should be having a couple post in a few days! Lots of Christmas Pictures to come soon!! :)
Remember God is LOVE!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
New Name Perhaps..
Lately, I have been debating on changing my photography name for my business. I am an Alice in Wonderland fan. Like HUGE! ...lets just say when the day comes to have kiddos I have already decided to go for that kind of theme for the baby. That is when it happens. && I have also thought about even if I have a girl name her Alice! That is how BIG of a fan I am. Well I have thought about "Looking through the Glass Photography" but that is way to long. I've thought about using one of my favorite quotes from the book and try and incorporate that into my company name but just haven't quite figured it out. I want something completely different. About finding yourself like Alice tries to do but yet the wonderland she is in is what makes her figure it out! I've already looked someone has the name "Wonderland Photography" so thats a no go! but then again I want my company name Elegant as well. Gah, I sound so picky but I am trying to figure out what I REALLY truely want my business to be called. I've been thinking about this for a few months now..but haven't quite got it to what I like. If anyone may have any idea let me know! :) Anything could possible help out!
On the other hand I cannot believe that it is already December! This year has flew by so quickly!! I think a lot of people forget the true meaning of Christmas. Everyone is so wrapped up into buy presents, well what about the birth of Christ? It's not about how many presents you get under the tree or how big they are. Yeah, it may be nice but its all material stuff! We wouldn't be here without Christ (not trying to offend anyone I am just speaking what I believe). That is something to celebrate. I have actually thought about making a cake and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus this year :) && start it as a tradition for me and my future family. That is something that I would love to pass down to my own family one day. :)
Well I think that is about all I have for tonight.
Remember God is love!
On the other hand I cannot believe that it is already December! This year has flew by so quickly!! I think a lot of people forget the true meaning of Christmas. Everyone is so wrapped up into buy presents, well what about the birth of Christ? It's not about how many presents you get under the tree or how big they are. Yeah, it may be nice but its all material stuff! We wouldn't be here without Christ (not trying to offend anyone I am just speaking what I believe). That is something to celebrate. I have actually thought about making a cake and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus this year :) && start it as a tradition for me and my future family. That is something that I would love to pass down to my own family one day. :)
Well I think that is about all I have for tonight.
Remember God is love!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Elijah Aaron :)
Today I got up and drove to Decatur to have a session with little man Elijah. At first he was a little upset but after he was fed it was picture time! This was my first time taking pictures of a baby and wow I was not prepared! :P It isn't up to you its up to them if they want their pictures taken! Here is some photos I decided to share with you! Enjoy! :)
I couldn't decide which edit I liked better.
What is your favorite?
So we decided to do a tribute to the Army since his parents both serve in the Army! Thank you for everything you do for our country Jody & Rachel :]
Little Hands & Feet :]
I absolutely love this photo of Eli :]
I totally love this one too! :)
Okay...so I like them all! :)
Wearing his mommy && daddy's dog tags :)
Getting his sleeping on :P
Trying to keep him happy!
I love his little smerk ..
I edited this photo like this because well the face and the football totally look like they could possible go together! :P
Well I hope you enjoyed them! Today was definately a success!
Remember God is love!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Michelle's Session
Today started out a GREAT day! I got to spend time with my sister and my two neices. It was quite a hoot, not even going to lie! I love them all so much! We finally got time and decided to get together and take some photos. :] hope you enjoy! By the way I can not figure out which picture is my favorite!
My lovely Neice McKenzie :]
Kaida & McKenzie <3
Ah, I love her.
I absolutely love this photo! It shows their true laugh!
I absolutely love this photo of Kenzie & I love her :]
Aww :]
I love this photo of all of them!
My beautiful Sister
Love all of them :)
Kaida Bug :]
McKenzie Faith
Everyones expression is totally different
I absolutely love this picture of her!
My Best Friend
The two make the world go round
Breath Taking
I decided I needed to do a little B&W, which I totally love!
I don't know what I would do without them
Well that is most of the pictures!. I just decided to give you a little taste of today! Hope you enjoyed! :]
Saturday, November 27, 2010
My First Blog! :]
Hey everyone! I finally decided to try out blogging! I've been doing photography all my life & finally decided to pursue it as a career. I am excited to be able to share this experience with you along the way. :] I am very lucky to have found what I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't think that people believe photography is a hard job, but in reality it is! It takes a lot of practice, patience, imagination, and money (depending on how far you want to go with it). I eventually will own my own studio! The reason why I fell in love with photography is simple. After capturing images and seeing your face it becomes priceless. I have my own way of capturing a person with the short time I am with you during the session. I have my own way of doing things. For example, if the session was with children I would just tell them to play and follow behind them. Children like to play so let them play! They lead I follow & that is when everything comes together! You get their real expressions and it's not fake! Well I guess I am going to get off here and work on the rest of this site and try to figure it all out! :] Tomorrow I have a session and I am so excited to post! So see you all tomorrow! :]
Remember, God is Love
Remember, God is Love
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