Sunday, December 19, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about life in general. Our lifes are so short but it's definately worth living! Christmas is coming around the corner in less than a week. It really gets under my skin when people do  "xmas" instead of the other way. No offense to anyone. Anyways, photography is all in my head right now! I got a wireless remote from someone awesome! Not going to say her name because I am going to keep her name priviately because she may not want it released. &  tomorrow I am getting my external flash! :) It is a Canon Speedlight 430EX II Flash! Hey it's a start to go along further in my Photography! I am so excited. I now have my camera, wireless remote, and will have my flash, and my studio lights! It is all slowly coming together but ah it is TOTALLY worth it. I am so excite for my future. I would LOVE to work at a magazine one day if my other plans don't follow through. I am thinking about doing a lot of travelling soon. Europe again, & all over the United States. Maybe if I am near my other photographer friends we could meet up!! Yes, that is right, I have photography friends all over the U.S. I know SHOCKER lol. Anyways I just felt like blogging since it has been awhile. Feel like I have to keep doing this because I want to dedicate myself to this! I wonder where I will be in  5 years from now. I hope I will be A LOT further than I am now but we will see. I will have to look back on this post and re read this and probably laugh (in a good way). Whelp, that is all I have for now. I should be having a couple post in a few days! Lots of Christmas Pictures to come soon!! :)

Remember God is LOVE!

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