Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Name Perhaps..

Lately, I have been debating on changing my photography name for my business. I am an Alice in Wonderland fan. Like HUGE! ...lets just say when the day comes to have kiddos I have already decided to go for that kind of theme for the baby. That is when it happens. && I have also thought about even if I have a girl name her Alice! That is how BIG of a fan I am. Well I have thought about "Looking through the Glass Photography" but that is way to long. I've thought about using one of my favorite quotes from the book and try and incorporate that into my company name but just haven't quite figured it out. I want something completely different. About finding yourself like Alice tries to do but yet the wonderland she is in is what makes her figure it out! I've already looked someone has the name "Wonderland Photography" so thats a no go! but then again I want my company name Elegant as well. Gah, I sound so picky but I am trying to figure out what I REALLY truely want my business to be called. I've been thinking about this for a few months now..but haven't quite got it to what I like. If anyone may have any idea let me know! :)  Anything could possible help out!

On the other hand I cannot believe that it is already December! This year has flew by so quickly!! I think a lot of people forget the true meaning of Christmas. Everyone is so wrapped up into buy presents, well what about the birth of Christ? It's not about how many presents you get under the tree or how big they are. Yeah, it may be nice but its all material stuff! We wouldn't be here without Christ (not trying to offend anyone I am just speaking what I believe). That is something to celebrate. I have actually thought about making a cake and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus this year :) && start it as a tradition for me and my future family. That is something that I would love to pass down to my own family one day. :)

Well I think that is about all I have for tonight.

Remember God is love!

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