Monday, November 29, 2010

Elijah Aaron :)

Today I got up and drove to Decatur to have a session with little man Elijah. At first he was a little upset but after he was fed it was picture time! This was my first time taking pictures of a baby and wow I was not prepared! :P It isn't up to you its up to them if they want their pictures taken! Here is some photos I decided to share with you! Enjoy! :)

I couldn't decide which edit I liked better.
What is your favorite?

So we decided to do a tribute to the Army since his parents both serve in the Army! Thank you for everything you do for our country Jody & Rachel :]

Little Hands & Feet :]

I absolutely love this photo of Eli :]

I totally love this one too! :) I like them all! :)


Wearing his mommy && daddy's dog tags :)

Getting his sleeping on :P


Trying to keep him happy!

I love his little smerk ..

I edited this photo like this because well the face and the football totally look like they could possible go together! :P

Well I hope you enjoyed them! Today was definately a success!

Remember God is love!


  1. I love these pictures thank you for taking them for us! :)

  2. Im glad you like them! I will have to give you a cd of them for you. :]

  3. Wow, I love them. You did such a good job, he is such a cutie.
