Saturday, November 27, 2010

My First Blog! :]

Hey everyone! I finally decided to try out blogging! I've been doing photography all my life & finally decided to pursue it as a career. I am excited to be able to share this experience with you along the way. :] I am very lucky to have found what I want to do for the rest of my life. I don't think that people believe photography is a hard job, but in reality it is! It takes a lot of practice, patience, imagination, and money (depending on how far you want to go with it). I eventually will own my own studio! The reason why I fell in love with photography is simple. After capturing images and seeing your face it becomes priceless. I have my own way of capturing a person with the short time I am with you during the session. I have my own way of doing things. For example, if the session was with children I would just tell them to play and follow behind them. Children like to play so let them play! They lead I follow & that is when everything comes together! You get their real expressions and it's not fake! Well I guess I am going to get off here and work on the rest of this site and try to figure it all out! :] Tomorrow I have a session and I am so excited to post! So see you all tomorrow! :]

Remember, God is Love

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